JSW Prompt 10-30-2023

The JSW Challenge is open to anybody who wishes to participate. Using the writing prompt, write a flash fiction no longer than 300 words and post it to your page. The Challenge starts on Monday and runs through Sunday each week. Please remember to link your story back to this post so everyone can read your entry.

Quote For The Day 10-29-2023

“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? what could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
― Eckhart Tolle

Retro Tuesday 10-24-2023


Daily Press One Word Prompt – Twinkle

Twinkling lights flashed through dying foliage, dimming or brightening depending on how the surrounding leaves and weeds shifted in the wind. He’d never been here – to this particular place –  which was about the only thing going for him at the present moment.

By lockdown, they would miss him and set up the chase. He couldn’t go back. He wouldn’t go back. He’d take his own life before they lay a single hand upon him.

Drastic measures, yes, but better to die outside, free (okay, maybe sort-of-free) than live trapped in the  7 x 5 darkness he’d known so long. Five years alone, seeing only the slash of the guard’s face – hands –  pushing slop through the slit in the door. He’d almost forgotten the meanings and beings of light.

Stars twinkled all around, making him wish he could twinkle forever.  If only he knew how.

In the distance, baying hounds filled the night.

Up in the darkness, where only stars could see, a new star sparkled into life, twinkling happily.