FFfAW-Week of March 15, 2016

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Week of 03-15 through 03-21-2016


This week’s photo prompt is provided by pixabay.com.

“I won’t abandon you, ” I whispered. We were partners and partners never left the other behind. Command ordered the dogs left. Use’em and leave’em was their mantra. Not mine. Nor the other guys in the unit. Sampson was going home. He had a forever with me.

Johnny walked up. “Ready?”

I curled my fingers in his short fur, closed my eyes. As much as I wanted to save him, I knew anything could go wrong. Money talked but sometimes went silent. Sampson whined, moving his head to lick my face, his way of telling me everything would be okay.

God, dogs, you gotta love them.

I’d never been a dog person until Afghanistan. He’d saved my life times over and I’d saved his. He curled against me at night, keeping me warm. Curled into my lap when I was so shell-shocked I just wanted to die. He knew me better than anybody. How could I abandon that?

Rising, I nodded, giving Sampson one last hug. “Later, boy.” He barked as Johnny led him off to join the other dogs.

Mission Rescue had begun.

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