Daily Post One Word Prompt – Upredictable


The Neighbors, Part 4

There are those among us who live unpredictable lives. Nasty men. Vicious women. Forgotten children. You will never see them. They pretend normalcy; friends and neighbors and co-workers. Inside they are monsters.

Am I one? Some things are best discovered on your own.

He stood at the top of the stairs, neither up or down, in or out, waiting. He had no clue what he was waiting for, maybe for clarity, reality or maybe just for his brain to come back together into some sort of logical sense.

He’d never. Not once. His entire life. Been this. Indecisive.

What the hell was happening? Whatever it was, he wanted it stopped. Now.

He closed the door to the basement, backtracking his steps to the kitchen. Bare lines, empty counters, metallic shine of the appliances. This was his favorite room in the house. Spartan. Clean. Cold. Empty.

Like him. Like his life. Before.

He’ never understood the concept of before and after. How could something be right then and wrong now?

So what was he going to do?

A cup of tea. Everything went with a cup of tea. Even the feeling your life was falling apart.

The Neighbors Part 1

The Neighbors Part 2

The Neighbors Part 3


5 thoughts on “Daily Post One Word Prompt – Upredictable

  1. Pingback: The Neighbors, A Story in Six Parts – A Writer's Life

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